LEVITATE project webinar

The LEVITATE project webinar will provide insights on the potential impacts of introducing policy measures related to on-street parking repurposing (driving or cycle lane, public space or pick-up/drop off), road-user pricing and dedicated CAV lanes. Join on Monday 18 October (15:00-16:30 CET) and listen to researchers from Loughborough University and the ECTRI Member Austrian Institute

Professor Markus Oeser inauguration as BASt President


On November 2, 2021, Professor Markus Oeser will be inaugurated in his new position as President of the ECTRI Member Federal Highway Research Institute. He is succeeding the late President Stefan Strick. The event is open and will be held virtually, from 11:00 to 12:00 (CET). Event program (PDF, 210KB) To the live stream on