TRB 88th Annual Meeting

Washington, D.C., USA – January 11-15, 2009

ECTRI actively participated in the TRB 88th Annual Meeting, held on 11-15 January in Washington DC, USA. A delegation of 8 ECTRI Assembly and Board members was attending the different sessions: Guy Bourgeois, Georges Giannopoulos, Heikki Kanner, Neil Paulley, Dietmar Wurzel, Lasse Fridstrøm, Joris Al and Josef Mikulik. The Special Session about «International Research Collaboration: Finding Common Ground» (sessions 226 & 227), taking place on 12 January was aimed to present the report made by the ECTRI-TRB Working Group 10 on «EU/US Transport Research Cooperation Issues». George  Giannopoulos, CERTH-HIT, Greece, and Michael D. Meyer, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, also presided the session A0010(3) on 13 January, where the report was finalized by the Working Group 10. The same day, Josef Mikulik, CDV, Czech Republic, was invited to peak during the meeting of the Conduct of Research Committee, about the possibility of organising a European managers scanning tour to the US. Mr. Mikulik also participated to the
SHRP2 – International coordination session. On 14 January, ECTRI representatives participated to the International Activities Committee and International Research and Technology Transfer Subcommittee A0010(2).

