
Working Group
Mobility & Training

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The Working Group on Mobility and Training 's mission was the promotion of human resources and mobility. Its aims were:

boutonTo tackle with the attraction and the preparation of next steps of mobility and training of transport scientists including the next generation

boutonTo discuss all the elements of “actions to promote human resources and mobility” including or not proposals to Marie Curie programme, exchanges of researchers, post-doctorants and doctorants

boutonTo define the areas the most suitable for action at short, medium and long terms

LET was moderator of this Working Group, in which AIT, BASt, DLR, HIT and UPM participated in this activity.


Within the frame of this Working Group activities, ECTRI has jointly organised first with FERSI and then with FERSI and FEHRL organisations, the Young Researchers Seminars that gave young researchers the opportunity to present the results of their researches in the frame of multicultural and interdisciplinary European tutorials.


ECTRI also took part in Marie Curie and People actions by submitting proposals. In FP6, ECTRI participated in 3 Marie Curie Actions related to Transfer of Knowledge (TOK) and International Reintegration Grant (IRG):

Bouton TRANS-AID (TOK) : Transfer of Knowledge in Transport Infrastructure financing: 3 partners including INRETS and HIT

Bouton TITaM (TOK): Transport Infrastructure technologies and Management: 3 partners including CDV and TRL   

Bouton VUDEGFEM (IRG) : Vulnerable road users: detailed geometry and finite element models for impact conditions: INRETS

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