ECTRI supported several FP7 projects, in which ECTRI members are involved:
The research field and aim of the CLOSER project is to connect long- and short-distance networks for efficient transport. This FP7 proposal was led by FHG, Germany and the other members INRETS, TOI, VTT, CDV, CERTH, VGTU.
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This FP7 project, led by VTT involved only ECTRI members: UPM, TRL, CERTH, CDV, DVS. It dealt with the methodology for evaluation of project impact in the field of transport. The aim of the project was to evaluate the contribution of the 800 EC-funded transport research projects to the current key themes of the European Policies by contributing through the development of a methodology for evaluation transport projects, from the perspectives of industrial competitiveness, sustainability concerns and uptake of research results in European policy developments.
In the framework of FP7, ECTRI as associate partner, supports the Network of Excellence called NEARCTIS, in which two ECTRI members are involved (INRETS, DLR).
NEARCTIS (Network of Excellence: Advanced Road Cooperative Traffic management in the Information Society) is an academic network involving teams working on the field of traffic management and optimisation, with a particular focus on cooperative systems. Within the field of ICT for mobility, the project more specifically deals with the question of cooperative systems for road traffic optimisation, but moreover covers a wider scope as it appears that cooperative systems have to be integrated into the entire traffic management system. It aims to develop systems able to cope with what are the main problems at stake: safety, energy consumption, environmental impact and congestion as an obstacle to mobility. The main objective of the project is to constitute what could be considered a virtual research institute, meaning the elaboration of main elements of this research institute: building a consistent research programme, defining a set of shared resources (data, experimental means, bibliographical databases), organising the spreading of knowledge and research results. To reach these objectives, the project will include a harmonisation of the research programme of all the partners on the various topics addressed, specification of case studies to be made in common, and the elaboration of a dissemination and training programme for researchers and professionals. A focus will be on spreading excellence towards the scientific community of the field, particularly for the European Union newcomers. Close relationships with the international scientific community, but also with main stakeholders in the field (traffic operators, local authorities, consultants or manufacturers) are ensured through a network of associate partners who are involved in all main activities of the project. The project involves eight European universities and research centres and is coordinated by ERT, with INRETS as scientific coordinator. In the preparation phase of the project, about 65 organisations including ECTRI and nine of its members (CDV, HIT, ITS, DVS, TNO, TRL, TTEF, VTI, VGTU) have shown interest to be associate partners of NEARCTIS. ECTRI is disseminating information on the NoE existence, activities and research results.
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The project deals with European road users’ attitudes, perceptions, opinions, needs, experiences and expectations with respect to road transport and safety. It is based on a common representative survey to be conducted in each participating member state, and a shared analysis of the large data-base. The survey will address issues such as mobility experiences, perception of safety needs by different types of road users; opinions and experiences relating to speeding, impaired driving; attitudes towards motorcyclists; pedestrians and other road users. The information will be useful for comparing the relative standing of member states on the issues examined. It will also help assessing citizens’ acceptance of EU (and national) road transport and safety policies, the limitations or successes of existing safety measures, or the support for new measures and policies. As such SARTRE 4 can be viewed as a building block of ERSO.
This project includes 21 partners including INRETS, France (coordinator), BASt, CDV, KTI, VTT and SWOV.
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The idea of the proposal is to develop a real public transport navigation system based on mobile devices that give passengers the possibility to act as they are used to with common navigation systems in their cars. Having entered the destination of their trip they will be able to get into a vehicle and jump off/on as often as they like to. The system will always guide them to the destination. Passengers are no longer bound to a printout of the route. They may change and interrupt their trips as often as they want to. To put this into praxis, existing studies about the Galileo satellite system, navigation and mobile applications from former projects and several sources will be analysed and put together with user needs and general conditions into a meta study, the technical developments of the project will be based on. The focus of the project will be the development of all necessary applications for the passenger navigation system based on a business plan that is focused on a sustainable operation for all usual public transportation networks in Europe. Functional tests and demonstrations will verify the functionality of the system and the effect analysis will verify and adjust the proposed business model. Finally an evaluation and dissemination process will ensure the sustainable usability and the successful knowledge transfer from research and development to an operational service of this passenger navigation system.
The project includes eight partners including FHG, Germany (coordinator), CERTH/HIT, POLITO, VTI, and UPM
In the framework of COST programmes, several ECTRI members participated in the following projects:
1. EST – COST action n°356 «Towards the definition of a measurable environmentally sustainable transport» This action consists of designing harmonised and scientifically sound methods to build better environmental indices (or indicators) by using existing European indices, and to create methods to be applied to the decision-making process of the transport sector in the different European countries.
This action includes the following ECTRI partners: INRETS, France (coordinator), DLR, DTU, KTI, POLITO, TØI, TRL, UPM and VTI.
2. PROHELM – COST action n° 357 «Accident Prevention Options with Motorcycle Helmets». The main objective of this action is to increase knowledge on how motorcycle helmets could be improved to help facilitate the avoidance of accidents.
This action includes the following ECTRI partner: INRETS.
3. PQN – COST action n°358 «Pedestrians’ Quality Need». The main objective of this action is to provide an essential contribution to systems knowledge of pedestrians’ quality needs and the requirements derived from those needs, thus simulating structural and functional interventions, policy making and regulation to support walking condition throughout the EU and other involved countries.
This action includes the following ECTRI partners: DVS, The Netherlands (coordinator), CDV, INRETS, TNO, TØI and VTT.
4. TU0603 “ Bus with a high level of services”. The main objective of this action is to better understand all the trends to improve sustainable mobility in urban areas throughout Europe and to promote a useful way to enhance the image of busses.This action includes the following ECTRI partners: CEDEX and INRETS.
5. TU0702 «Real-time Monitoring, Surveillance and Control of Road Networks under Adverse Weather Conditions». The main objective of this action is to better understand the impacts of weather on freeways/motorways as well as on urban networks highway operations and to develop, promote and implement strategies and tools to mitigate those impacts.
This action includes the following ECTRI partners: INRETS, France (coordinator) and AIT.
6. TU0801 “Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development”
The main objectives of the action are:
- creating an integrative platform based on semantically enriched 3D city models,
- using an ontology-based methodology that could be reused
- assessing the usability of the integrated platform for planning and decision-making.
This action includes the following ECTRI partner: TTI.
7. SHANTI – Cost action n° TU0804 «Survey Harmonisation with New Technologies Improvement».The main objective of the action is to provide guidelines for harmonising national travel surveys across Europe. This harmonization aims at improving their comparability without preventing longitudinal analyses with previous surveys at country level and should therefore increase data quality at national level. The Action will build bridges between European countries as well as among researchers, enhancing research and disseminating recommendations throughout European society.
This action includes the following ECTRI partners: INRETS, France (coordinator), CDV, DLR, DTU, POLITO, TØI, TTI, VTT and UPM.
8. TU0902 “Integrated Assessment Technologies to Support the Sustainable Development of Urban Areas”. The main objective of the action is to develop better representations of the urban systems interactions and dynamics as well as new configurations of urban areas so that they consume fewer resources, emit less pollution, are more resilient to the impacts of climate change and are more sustainable in general.
This action includes the following ECTRI partners: LET and TTI.
9. TU0903 «Methods and tools for supporting the use, calibration and validation of traffic simulation models». The main objective of the action is to develop, implement and promote the use of methods and procedures for supporting the use of traffic simulation models, especially on the topics of model calibration and validation.
This action includes the following ECTRI partners: CENIT, DLR, INRETS and TTI.
10. HPMST – Cost Action n° 542 “High performance energy storages for mobiles and stationary applications”. This action focuses on the development of high performance energy storage systems and their implementation in mobile and stationary applications in transportation and energy technologies. This action includes the following ECTRI partner: INRETS.