The webinar of the ECTRI TG on Freight and Logistics webinar was held on November 4, 2022, from 13:00 to 14:00 CET.
Speaker: Dr. ir. H.J.M. (Harrie) Bastiaansen (TNO)
Title: Logistics Data Spaces in View of the EU Data Strategy – The DASLOGIS Project
Abstract: The value of the data economy is enormous. Sharing and access to data are key to push forward innovation and to create new business models and opportunities. At the same time, data sovereignty and trust are key European values for data sharing and are fundamental in the design of federative data sharing solutions and data spaces. Hence, federative data sharing is clearly on the radar of the European Commission. Its release of the European Data Strategy, the Data Governance Act and the additional input sought on data spaces through the OPEN DEI initiative illustrate the importance the EU attributes to data sharing for society and economy. Moreover, various (European and national) initiatives are exploring the potential, architectures and implementations for federative data sharing. The ambition on federative data sharing as expressed in the EU Data Strategy can be summarized as: ‘Towards a federation of interoperable data spaces’.
In this presentation Mr Bastiaansen will present the work of the DASLOGIS (DAata Space for LOGIStics) project. It’s goal is to develop the architecture of a logistics data space conforming to the architectural guidelines as being defined by the International Data Space Association (IDSA) and conforming to the ambition of the EU Data Strategy of interoperable data spaces. It is addressed how it may support various types of (federative) data sharing, as exemplified by multiple use cases and demos.
Seminars are open to the ECTRI Members.
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