Washington, D.C., USA – January 10 – 14, 2010
ECTRI actively participated in the Transport Research Board 2010.
The following ECTRI representatives attended the event: Guy Bourgeois, President, Caroline Alméras, Secretary General, Joris Al, Board Member, DVS, The Netherlands – George Giannopoulos, CERTH-HIT, Greece – Cristina Pronello, treasurer, POLITO, Italy – Fred Wegman, SWOV, The Netherlands – Neil Paulley, TRL, United Kingdom – Andrès Monzon and Angel Aparicio, UPM, Spain – Dietmar Wurzel, DLR, Germany – Josef Mikulik, CDV, Czech Republic – Francesc Robusté, CENIT, Spain, and Jean-Pierre Médevielle, INRETS.
On January 10, G. Giannopoulos, HIT and Jorge Prozzi, University of Texasco-chaired the Workshop on ‘International Transportation Research Collaboration: Success Stories’, which included a presentation of the recommendations of the ECTRI-TRB report released in 2009. Later that same day, the authors and members of ECTRI-TRB WG 10 were awarded for their significant accomplishments and contributions leading to the publication of the ECTRI/TRB report: European-United States Transportation Research Collaboration: Challenges and Opportunities at the International Participants’ Reception.
On January 11, the international Activities Committee met and J.Al, DVS presented an update of the ECTRI/TRB MOU, G. Giannopoulos gave the conclusions and next steps of the ECTRI-TRB report. The European Members of this committee are Joris Al, Cristina Pronello, Neil Paulley, George Giannopoulos, Jean-Pierre Médevielle, Angel Aparicio and Barbara Lenz , all from ECTRI. On that same day, ECTRI representatives participated in the FHWA International Collaboration Luncheon Meeting.
On January 12, Olivier Klein, LET, France, presented a paper on ‘High-Speed Train Mobility in a Modern Economy: Lessons from the TGV’s French Experience’ at the: Intercity Passenger Rail Intermodal Interface Subcommittee, AR010(1). This participation was the result of exchanges between ECTRI and TRB about the organisation of a special session on high speed train. Other ECTRI representatives were invited to the SHRP2 collaboration session. SHRP2 has the goal of improving safety, and advancing infrastructure planning, design, construction and operations.