Drive2theFuture project newsletter

The Drive2theFuture project has issued its second Newsletter. This Newsletter includes a the mid-term update of the project progress, with results and ongoing research. 

  • The Voice-of-Customer survey, identifying the current views and acceptance of automation in all modes, has been concluded, with the participation of more than 11000 people from all over Europe.
  • Interactive online stakeholder workshops, to assess the stakeholders’ opinions on future autonomous mobility and logistics scenarios were held in 4 countries.
  • Survey on civil drones’ acceptance is ongoing, addressing all users, so everyone can share their views!
  • Another survey, addressing driver trainers is also ongoing, aiming to capture their feelings towards autonomous vehicles.
  • A joint article has been published, together with the 3 other cluster projects (PAsCAL, Trustonomy and SUaaVE).
  • The Drive2theFuture 2nd Workshop will take place on the 12thMarch 2021. Detailed agenda will soon be announce on the Drive2theFuture website.

You can read the newsletter here:

Drive2theFuture is an ECTRI supported project, involving ten ECTRI Members: CERTH-HIT, AIT, CTL-SAPIENZA, DEUSTO, UNI EIFFEL, FRAUNHOFER, NTUA, TOI, VTI and VUB-MOBI.