The European Transport Research Review inform you about an extension for the Call for Papers for its new Open Access Topical Collection on Reproducible Research in Transportation – in collaboration with ECTRI Member Université Gustave Eiffel, The University of Queensland, and Polytechnique Montréal.
The collection promotes the importance of reproducibility in transportation research, enhancing the rigor and credibility of scientific findings.
We invite submissions on a wide range of topics, including:
– Review and meta-analysis of reproducible research practices;
– Data sharing, data documentation and open data initiatives;
– Reproducible workflows and computational methods;
– Reproducible computation;
– Validation and benchmarking of simulation tools;
– Reproducible and interpretable data-driven methods;
– Replication of important transportation research findings;
– Frameworks for reproducibility and knowledge transfer among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers;
– Training and best practices for reproducible research.
Submit your papers to the collection by May 28, 2025.
Articles will become available as soon as accepted for publication.
Silvia Francesca Varotto, Christine Buisson, Zuduo Zheng, Cathy Wu, and Nicolas Saunier will be serving as Guest Editors.
Remember to submit:
ETRR is an open access journal, created and supported by ECTRI, and published by Springer Nature