ECTRI Member CDV is officially a Research Excellence!

In 2024, ECTRI Member Czech Transport Research Centre (CDV) received the highest grade of “A Excellent,” confirming its outstanding achievement of its core mission — conducting research for the transport sector.

Some insights of the CDV achievements in 2024:

1. Successfully implemented 10 international research projects, 2 foreign contract research projects, and 1 project in the Western Balkans region
2. Published 71% of articles in high-impact-factor journals
3. Led and participated in 63 national research projects (serving as coordinator for the majority)
4. Implemented 36 knowledge transfer projects and 11 research projects
5. The most successful applicant for the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Doprava 2030 Program

ECTRI congratulates its Member on these remarkable achievements and looks forward to continued collaboration!