ECTRI’s feedback on the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 & 2014-2020

ECTRI replies to the public consultations on the Connecting Europe Facility 2021-2027 interim evaluation (CEF-2) & Connecting Europe Facility 2014-2020 evaluation (CEF-1).

With these instruments, the European Commission is promoting trans-European networks in the transport, energy and digital sectors, ensuring a solid cross-border connectivity for the proper functioning of the internal market.

The CEF plays a crucial role in shaping the European multimodal transport system through the deployment of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The consultations seek insights from national authorities, transport, energy, and digital operators, infrastructure users and seeks input on the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of the CEF programme(s).

ECTRI welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this initiative and believes that further involving the R&D community within CEF will result in strengthening the positive impacts of the projects.

Read the position papers: