How can Big Data from mobile networks and smartphones help transport planners?
ITF’s new report explores how new data sources can narrow the gap between data collection and the forecast horizon. It explores potential biases, commercial sensitivities and threats to privacy and offer recommendations for governance arrangements to make data sharing easier.
The report’s content is based on discussions that took place during the ITF Roundtable entitled Big Data and Transport Models, held by videoconference on 14-16 December 2020. ECTRI was glad to support this ITF initiative by identifying and suggesting experts from the ECTRI network to contribute to the discussions.
While Norbert Braendle (AIT), Fredrik Gregersen (TOI) and Josep Maria Salanova Grau (CERTH HIT) joined the roundtable, Antonio Masegosa and Enrique Onieva (Deusto University), Cristina Pronello (POLITO), Marianne Stølan Rostoft (TOI), Dmitry Pavlyuk (TTI) and Caroline Alméras (ECTRI) provided guidance or material for the preparation of the Roundtable.
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