On 23rd June 2021, during the European & Research Days, the European Commission made official the launch of several Co-Programmed Partnership within Horizon Europe with the signature of their respective Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
In line with its strategy, ECTRI is committed to contribute and support the European Partnerships on CCAM, 2Zero and Waterborne. While sharing the same goal of transforming the EU to a climate-neutral and resilient society, they target impacts in specific fields.
- European Partnership – Towards zero-emission road transport (2ZERO)
The partnership aims to accelerate the development of zero tailpipe emission transport in Europe with a systems approach, develop a common vision and deliver a multi-stakeholder roadmap for a climate neutral and clean road transport system.
It will improve mobility and the safety of people and goods, ensure future European leadership in innovation, production and services. Main achievements by 2030 will focus on wide deployment of zero-emission, affordable user-centric solutions, CO2 emission reduction and air quality improvements. A major challenge will be the introduction of zero-emission and competitive long distance heavy-duty vehicles.
More info: https://www.2zeroemission.eu/
- European Partnership on Connected and Automated Driving (CCAM)
The partnership aims to accelerate the implementation of innovative, connected, cooperative and automated mobility (CCAM) technologies and services.
By bringing together the actors of the complex cross-sectoral value chain, it will develop and implement a shared, coherent and long-term European research and innovation agenda.
By 2030, the partnership will have demonstrated inclusive, user-oriented and well-integrated mobility concepts, enabled by CCAM, with increased safety and a reduced carbon footprint. It will make Europe a world leader in the deployment of connected and automated mobility for people and goods.
More info: https://www.ertrac.org/index.php
- European Partnership on zero-emission waterborne transport
The partnership aims for the EU to lead and accelerate the transformation of maritime and inland waterborne transport to eliminate all harmful environmental emissions (including greenhouse gas, air and water pollutants) through innovative technologies and operation.
By 2030 the objective is to develop and demonstrate deployable zero-emission solutions which are applicable for all main ship types and services and will enable achievement of zero-emission waterborne transport by 2050.