The first webinar of the ECTRI TG on Security and Resilience took place on June 10, 2021 around the theme of Safety and Security aspects of Automated Transport Systems.
Pekka Leviäkangas from Oulu University moderated the event, including the roundtable discussion that followed the two presentations from TG members by :
Árpád Török, from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on “Integrated Methods of Safety and Security in the Context of Highly Automated Transport Systems”
Sunniva Meyer, from the Transportøkonomisk institutt (Norwegian Centre for Transport Research) on “Risk analysis for forecasting cyberattacks against connected and autonomous vehicles”.
The ECTRI Thematic Groups have been organising webinars since 2019, with the objective of sharing and exchanging scientific knowledge among members.
Presentations are publicly available here:
Thanks to presenters, moderator and participants for time and insights, and to Ioannis Benekos, CERTH-HIT and TG rapporteur, for the great organisation.