In the context of defining the ecosystem around automated urban mobility and developing the Use Cases, the SHOW project has in the early stages of the project launched a Social Media monitoring tool, called the SPY (another Social media Periscope for You) tool. SPY has been launched to:
- Collect opinions on automated mobility and automated vehicles (AVs) from different Social Media platforms (Twitter & Reddit);
- Analyse the collected opinions;
- Define and depict the level of the Social Media user’s acceptance of automated vehicles and in extension, extract insights into the envisioned shared, connected, electrified fleets of AVs in coordinated public transport, DRT, MaaS and LaaS operational chains.
The results of this Social Media data mining, aggregation and analysis are presented at as a mini dashboard with a set of interactive visualisations per analysed topic (challenges, road safety, public transport and logistics), including a Word Cloud graph that depicts the Top 6 most frequent words that appear on Social Media in the context of AVs, a sentiments’ pie chart that depicts the ratio of the collected positive and negative Social Media posts and a posts timeline chart of collected posts for a given time period.
Read the full article here:
ECTRI supports SHOW project, in which ECTRI Members CERTH-HIT, AIT, CDV, VUB-MOBI, NTUA, VTT, VTI and DLR are consortium partners.