During the past one year and half, the ECTRI Board has led an iterative process for defining the new ECTRI Strategy for 2021-2030. Three Workshops were organized with ECTRI Members’ representatives and experts from ECTRI Thematic Groups (TG) and Task Forces (TF).
The new Strategy was approved by the Assembly of Members, reaffirming the ECTRI’s Vision and reinforcing its Mission. ECTRI, as the leading European research association for sustainable and multimodal mobility is committed to provide the scientifically based competence, knowledge and advice to move towards a green, safe, efficient, and inclusive mobility for people and goods.
A new set of ambitious Strategic Objectives were defined to drive ECTRI towards its Vision and Mission. Those objectives takes into account the major policies’ developments and the main societal trends and driving forces that are foreseen to affect the European transport and mobility system in the coming decade; they also reflects on the requirements and needs of ECTRI Members, partners and customers.
📑 You can read and download the full document here.
The Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives are now being operationalised to allow for implementation and monitoring, and traduced into operational objectives, required actions, timeline, responsibilities, and milestones in a 2-years implementation plan.