Over 90 participants joined on Thursday January 21, the second BE OPEN event, which took place under the 100th Transportation Research Board Annual meeting.
This was a unique opportunity for BE OPEN to reach out to an international community to discuss such topic, particularly in the context of COVID19 as the dissemination of scientific knowledge/results and access to data have turned so crucial in the time we are going through.
We had an incredible line up of speakers and presiding officers, across sectors (researchers but also policymakers, cities, public transport operators, librarians, and publishers), across continents (America, Europe, Africa) but also across disciplines (open science or transportation specialists).
Thanks to all contributors and participants for the interesting insights, clues and feedback, and overall making this workshop a success. We hope that this discussion was helpful for a better understanding of Open Science and implications in transport research.
The workshop recording is available at the TRB Virtual Meeting Platform, for all the TRB registrants and will remain accessible through February 16, 2021.
For the highlights of the event, please check our Twitter feed @OpenScTransport.
The discussion on Open Science is ongoing, there is more to come. Stay tuned!
ECTRI is involved in the BE OPEN project as Dissemination and Engagement WP leader together with ECTRI Members CERTH-HIT (Coordinator), TOI, NTUA, DLR, BME and CDV (as ECTRI TPs), AIT and LNEC (as FEHRL TPs).