Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is one of the main causes for road fatalities in Europe. However, quantification of the problem is still difficult as harmonized and actual data is often missing. Therefore, the European Commission Directory General for Mobility and Transport has commissioned a study aimed to gather up-to-date information on the role of alcohol and other psychoactive substances as accident causation factors and on the policies and measures implemented by Member States to address it.
Ecorys and the ECTRI Member ITS Motor Transport Institute organise an online webinar about the preliminary findings from this study. The purpose of the workshop is to share and discuss these preliminary findings of the study and get stakeholders’ views.
Date: Friday 5 February 2021
Time: 9.30 – 13.00
During the workshop, presentations will be made on the following topics:
- Up-to-date information on the role of alcohol and other psychoactive substances in European traffic;
- Current regulation, enforcement practice and sanctions;
- Technologies for enforcement and detection of alcohol and drugs in traffic (state of the art);
- Technologies for prevention of driving under influence, alcohol interlocks.
Participation open to everyone. To attend this webinar, please send an email to roadsafety@ecorys.com. By replying you will obtain a link to the online meeting platform a few days in advance of the meeting.