A new set of ECTRI members have published their research in the ETRR journal. Have a look:
📑 An integrated grey AHP-MOORA model for ameliorating public transport service quality, Sarbast Moslem (and Yakup Çelikbilek) from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) 🔹 article sponsored by ECTRI
📑 Direct and cross price elasticities of demand for gasoline, diesel, hybrid and battery electric cars: the case of Norway, Lasse Fridstrøm and Vegard Østli, from the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI)
📑 Exploring the MaaS market with systematic analysis, Domokos Esztergár-Kiss, Tamás Kerényi, Tamás Mátrai and Attila Aba, from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)