We kindly invite you to take part in the BE OPEN project new survey and help us identify the business models associated with Open Access & Open Data implementation.
As part of the work being developed under the task on “Novel Open Science schemes and business models for transport”, we would like to get your insights about the use of Open Access & Open Data in your organization’s business models.
The survey is composed of 31 easy-to-answer questions and shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to fill and submit. The survey is open until Friday 9th October.
You can access the survey via the following link: survey (Google forms).
For any questions or clarifications, please contact Attila Akac (akac.attila(at)certh.gr) or Nikos Angelopoulos (nangelopoulos@konnektable.com).
Thank you in advance for your contribution!
More about the BE OPEN project
Image source:Â https://unsplash.com/