Prof Pronello (POLITO) rewarded with TRA VISIONS 2020 Award

Professor Cristina Pronello (POLITO) rewarded with TRA VISIONS 2020 Senior Researchers Crossmodal Award

The TRA VISIONS competition recognises and celebrates leading researchers who have recently been contributing to transport EU-funded projects and have demonstrated excellence and prove impacts in their research field.

Professor Pronello’s research activity is focused on two main topics; the environmental impacts of transport systems and the travel behaviour and Information Technology solutions, crosscut by the common issue of the sustainable mobility.

The EC funded project Opticities (Optimise Citizen Mobility and Freight Management in Urban Environments, 2013-2016) studied transport users perception, attitudes and behaviours for three years, to gain an understanding if and how smart mobility technologies could influence travel behaviour, inducing a modal diversion towards more sustainable mobility. The findings resulted in a rethink of the way to collect mobility data. Starting with a framework for an innovative and multisource data collection; followed by developing an app thought as an educational tool to make people aware about the consequences of their mobility.

This allowed Professor Pronello to establish a living lab in France, now replicated in Italy, and establish the basis to launch a start-up using the technology for social innovation: the more people know and understand, the more they are inclined to provide their data to turn upside down the current paradigm of transport planning. (…) Thus, the analysis of how technology and related mobility policies can affect people’s beliefs and emotional reactions can support policy makers wanting to encourage a more sustainable mobility.

Read more about it here.

Professor Cristina Pronello is a Full Professor at the ECTRI Member Politecnico di Torino, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) (since May 2019) and Full Professor at the Sorbonne Universites – Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Chaire MIDT – Mobilité Intelligente et Dynamiques Territoriales (since November 2016). Since 2000, she has coordinated 36 research projects at European and national level funded by a diversity of agencies.

The TRAVISIONS 2020 award ceremonies are taking place online, on September 29, from 09:30 to 10:50 CET. Look here for more information and registration!

ECTRI is partner in the TRA VISIONS 2020 consortium together with ECTRI Members CERTH-HIT, VTI and VTT.