Over the last months the different elements of the Strategic Plan 2021-2024 for Horizon Europe have been prepared together with Member States and EEA countries in A Shadow Programme Committee Strategic Configuration. The preparations were based on the ‘Orientations towards the first strategic plan for Horizon Europe’ published in January 2020, the strategic priorities of the EC and the legal base of Horizon Europe and should result in key strategic orientations and desired impacts for the programme. An online public consultation was open on the different clusters.
ECTRI provided input on Cluster 5. Climate, Energy and Mobility of the second pillar of Horizon Europe and specifically on the values of the R&I contribution regarding a list of desired impacts. Additionally, ECTRI also shared its views to the relevance of interlinkages between different elements of Horizon Europe.
Read ECTRI’s full reply here: http://www.ectri.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/2020-09_ECTRI-Reply_Horizon-Europe-First-Strategic-Plan-2021-2024.pdf