The Young Researchers’ Seminar 2019 is just around the corner! The 9th edition will take place in Thessaloniki (Greece) next week, June 5-7, hosted by CERTH-HIT and implemented under the SKILLFUL project as pilot.
During the three days’ Seminar, 41 young researchers from ECTRI, FEHRL, FERSI and this year also EURNEX, HUMANIST and WEGEMT Members organisations will have the chance to network and be trained by tutorial means for elaborating scientific papers and to present orally. At the end of the Seminar, the three young researchers with the best papers and presentations will be awarded.
On the first day of the Seminar, the three supporting organizations will be represented by ECTRI Secretary General Caroline Alméras, Bernard Jacob (IFSTTAR) representing FEHRL and Ingrid van Schagen (SWOV) representing FERSI. The keynote speech will be delivered by Alessandro Coda, CLEPA Chief Technology Officer.
For further information see the final programme.
More information is available on the YRS 2019 website and during the event at @ECTRInews on Twitter.