While looking at continuously reflecting its vision and approach, ECTRI is highly interested to confront its position to the current EC policies and priorities towards traffic management, and in particular in relation to the STRIA roadmap on the same topic.
On December 12, ECTRI Secretary General Caroline Alméras and ECTRI Traffic management Thematic Group moderator Wolfgang Ponweiser met with Robert Missen & Dimitrios Vartis (DG MOVE B3), Pedro Barradas (DG MOVE B4) and Eddy Hartog & Katerina Malakoudi (DG CONNECT) to present the updated position paper “Zero crashes, zero congestion, and zero emissions – Future Research in Traffic Management”, discuss the next steps of the roadmap, and offer a potential support.
The paper proposes research needs to achieve a vision 2020-2050 for a future transportation system that should strive to assure that the following objectives come true: user-centric mobility, zero accidents and zero emissions, and minimum space, time, energy and costs for transport.
Read the full position paper here: ECTRI position paper on the TRANSPORT CHALLENGE IN 2020–2050 – Zero crashes, zero congestion, and zero emissions – Future Research in Traffic Management – December 2018
More information on the Thematic Group on Traffic management.