ECTRI Member HIT/CERTH and HITE co-organise the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR ‘17)

The Congress which will take place at the CERTH Congress Centre in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 27-29 September 2017, under the spotlight theme: ‘The Future of Transportation: A Vision for 2030’. 
The main aim of ICTR is to host innovative research and development work in the field of transportation systems, operations and infrastructures, in Greece and abroad. Key objectives encompass to showcase recent top-notch research activities in transportation, merge research findings and policy making tasks, facilitate the exchange of knowledge in the local and international level and draw conclusions and shape recommendations on the future of transportation.
The Draft Congress Programme, as well as detailed information on ICTR 2017, is available through the Congress website:

HIT/CERTH and HITE look forward to welcoming you in Thessaloniki!